Ukrainian Week: “Women’s writing undermining Soviet narratives” and “The different faces of displacement experience” – newest research results from Kyiv on Ukrainian Literature
The Ukrainian honorary guests of the week are coming with two actual topics of Ukrainian literature and you can discuss it with them. Under the titles “Modern Ukrainian Women’s Literature reconstructs the female experience of World War II: rewriting the Soviet narratives” and “Homo viator, traveler, flaneur, and exile in Ukrainian literature: displacement experience” , Snizhana Zhygun and Olena Brovko explore their newest research they did in a country under war.
Prof. Dr. Snizhana Zhygun (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine / Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University), Prof. Dr. Olena Brovko (Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University), Dr. habil. Anna Gaidash (Leipzig University / Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University)
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Anna Artwinska (Universität Leipzig)
The Ukrainian Week 2024 is a cooperation with the Deutsch-Amerikanische Institut Sachsen (DAIS).
Admission free.